Traders And Fund Managers

Welcome to the Future of
On-Chain Trading.

Generate higher risk-adjusted returns, protect your
investors, and attract more capital.


Trading Tools & Execution Algorithms

We've built in-house trading algorithms that factor in order size, gas cost, protocol fees, venue structure, and other variables across venues. We also source from all major order routers. You can use these from the UI or APIs.

Simple & Smart TWAP
Optimizes your order slicing and size over time. Let arbitrage bots give you the best execution.

One-Shot Algo & MEV Rebates
Execute a single block optimally across DEXs factoring slippage, venue structure, etc.

Short and Stop Loss
Short or hedge cheaply and efficiently. Our short sources liquidity and leverage from on-chain lending markets. Sell perps.

Data Feeds
& DeFi RFQ

We provide a single data feed through which we stream on-chain prices and RFQ data needed for low, medium, and high frequency strategies. We integrate external data providers behind one endpoint, and when the market can't service our clients, we build the solution ourselves.

Our DeFi RFQ is the first of its kind. Execute in DeFi like you do in CeFi, with a guaranteed price. We aggregate nearly all major on-chain venues across all major EVM networks. This product has been especially popular for CEX <> DEX arbitrage.

We offer mempool data streaming services for Ethereum and Polygon.

Trade on-chain like you trade off-chain. Execute where you have the best price instead of the lowest headache. Our data feeds are easy to integrate and digest.

Pre-Trade Risk Analysis
& Triggers

We use a combination of service providers and our own in-house tech to create an easy to interpret pre-trade analysis report for each trade. Traders can also set triggers using these metrics to automatically invest, unwind, compound, leverage, etc.

We comprehensively measure:
1) Security Risk
2) AML Risk
3) Execution Risk

Set quantitative and qualitative triggers across any risk category.

We due diligence service providers and integrate them into 1 trading platform, with in-house tech to translate raw data into effective decisions.

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